GROWWEST fosters regional dialogue for encouraging green roof policy; forwarding the design, construction and performance of green roofs in Colorado; and brings together parties united for the green roof cause. As a grass roots organization, it is Growwest’s goal to convince the public and politicians that government policies favoring green roofs are good for the environment and the bottom line.

Green roofs are an integral component of sustainable development in the arid West.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sky Trapezium at MCA

The Cacti are flourishing along with the Erigeron.
And how wonderfully diabolical, the water loving Arisaema entwined with Fritillaria and the completely xeric Paxistima. Sometimes it pays off to just be creative instead of horticulturally practical.
The 2009 watering schedule for these native and climate appropriate plants: irrigation turned on in August, watered for 2 months, 10 minutes a week until October.

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